InBox ElasticSearch
Version 6.1.0
Creation date 2021-04-04
Module to index and perform searches with Elasticsearch.
The following versions of the OTRS framework are supported:
- 6.x.x
The following modules are required:
- InBox Core 6.30.9 ou superior
Operational system
The following operating systems are required:
- [None]
Third Party Software
The following third party software is required:
- [None]
bin/ Admin::Package::Install /path/to/InBox\ ElasticSearch 6.1.0.opm
This module can be configured via "System Configuration" in the administrative interface. The following configuration options are available:
To enable search by Elasticsearch, enable this setting:
To activate the search field as a ToolBar, enable this setting:
File formats that are indexed:
Tickets in the following queues will not be stored on the Elasticsearch server. To apply this to existing tickets, the ticket migration has to be run via console, after changing this option:
Maximum file size for the ingest plugin:
Maximal number of results returned by ES per field:
Fields stored in the ticket index which are used for other things besides fulltext searches. For the complete functionality all fields are mandatory. If fields are added which can be updated (especially DynamicFields), their respective update event has to be added to the TicketManagement invoker of the Elasticsearch webservice!
Fields of the ticket index, used for the ticket fulltext search. Fields are also stored, but are not mandatory for the overall functionality. If fields are added which can be updated (especially DynamicFields), their respective update event has to be added to the TicketManagement invoker of the Elasticsearch webservice!
Fields stored in the customer company index which are used for other things besides fulltext searches. For the complete functionality all fields are mandatory.
Fields of the customer company index, used for the company fulltext search. Fields are also stored, but are not mandatory for the overall functionality.
Fields stored in the customer user index which are used for other things besides fulltext searches. For the complete functionality all fields are mandatory.
Fields to be searched in ticket index. Fields are also stored, but are not mandatory for the overall functionality.
Number of shards (NS) and replicas (NR) for the index:
Format of Creation date shown for tickets. As an example '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' would be interpreted as '2020-01-22 18:07:23'. Please refer to
Objects to search for, how many entries and which attributs to show. Ticket attributes, except queue, have to explicitely be stored via Elasticsearch:
Objects to search for, how many entries and which attributs to show:
Objects to search for, how many entries and which attributs to show:
Objects to search for, how many entries and which attributs to show. ConfigItem attributes have to explicitly be stored via Elasticsearch:
Standard operator for ElasticSearch search:
Return limit for AgentElasticFullSearch module:
Controls if default Action for search has to be replaced by Elasticsearch:
Rebuilds Elasticsearch indices. Can be used for example, if CustomerUsers are authenticated via ldap. Highly inefficient however, as the whole index is rebuild every time.
ConfigItems of the following classes will not be stored on the Elasticsearch server. To apply this to existing CIs, the CI migration has to be run via console, after changing this option.
ConfigItems with the following deployment states will not be stored on the Elasticsearch server. To apply this to existing CIs, the CI migration has to be run via console, after changing this option.
Fields stored in the configuration item index which are used for other things besides fulltext searches. For the complete functionality all fields are mandatory.
Fields of the configuration item index, used for the fulltext search. Fields are also stored, but are not mandatory for the overall functionality. Inclusion of attachments can be disabled by setting the entry to 0 or deleting it.
Elasticsearch Web Service
When installing the module the webservice is created, the address of the Elasticsearch server must be configured. Go to Administration->Web Services select the Elasticsearch web service, access the configuration as a requester:
Set the Elasticsearch server endpoint:
If you want to install Elasticsearch on the CentOS 7 server, follow the procedure below.
Install Elasticsearch CentOS 7
The server you’re working on should be updated before you install ElasticSearch 7.x on CentOS 7. Just run the commands below to update it:
sudo yum -y update
Install Java
sudo yum -y install java-1.8.0-openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel
Download RPM Elasticsearch
Install RPM
rpm -ivh elasticsearch-7.9.2-x86_64.rpm
Enable and Start service Elasticsearch
systemctl enable elasticsearch.service
systemctl start elasticsearch
Indexing of tickets, customers, customer users and configuration items.
To perform indexing, enable this configuration ###Daemon::SchedulerCronTaskManager::Task###ElasticSearchIndexRebuild, or manually execute it with the command below:
bin/ Maint::Elasticsearch::Migration